Saturday, June 27, 2009


Soon after Matt and I bought our house almost 4 years ago my Dad planted a peach tree for us. It was a small scrawny little thing that I figured we would kill in a year. With that said you can imagine my surprise when Matt said to me one day, "Have you seen the peach tree lately?" I replied, "I don't know, I guess. Why?" "Well, it has about 1000 beautiful blooms on it." That was about a week before our last freeze of the winter. I was bummed and knew they had died. I remember thinking maybe we will get 4 or 5. Well, let me just say the the freeze did nothing to the blooms... if anything I think it helped them along. We had so many peaches on the that the limbs bent over touching the ground. One limb actually broke off. This caused a big problem, not only for the tree but for me... What to do with all the peaches! Well, Matt and I picked them earlier in the week and I did something that I never in a million years thought I would do.... I made peach jam today! When I was growing up my mom would always be in the kitchen making jelly and jam out of everything.. cactus and mesquite beans included. I thought it was the worse chore in the world second only to having to help pick the garden. ( Have I mentioned that Matt & I are clearing a space in our yard to be able to plant a garden next spring? But that is for another post) Back to the story at hand.... I made peach jam today and it was fun! It is my new hobby. I only made one batch because I did not buy enough jars. But I have enough peaches measured out for cobbler (Can you guess what Tuesday's Treat is going to be?) and two more batches of jam. I am quite excited and pleased with myself. My grandmother makes mixed berry jelly with jello. It is so yummy. I am going to call her tomorrow and find out how to make it. I see lots of jelly/jam making the my future. And if you come to my Christmas party this year, it will be in your future too. I am thinking a tea party with scones and jam and cookies too, of course! Thoughts ???
This post was originally titles "Cheesecake & Peaches" but since I rambled on and on about the peaches the cheesecake post will have to wait for another day. I am planning on a fun post tomorrow that I will need some help from you guys on. (At least I think it is fun.)

Good night

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