Just a little note to keep you posted on us
1) The Barker Family did not make it to Sonic for the free floats. Not sure why, it just didn't happen.
2) Reece's front teeth are coming in finally! Poor thing-- I feel so sorry for her. I know they hurt and it is taking forever. She got her bottom two in March.
3) I finally was able to order a doll from Baby Be Blessed! (I have their button on my side bar) I think those dolls are the most adorable things. I can't wait for it to come in. The problem now is holding out to give it to Reece until Christmas.
4) We are going to visit my parents this weekend. And Bella, of course. It should be a fun weekend. So, be aware that I will most likely be posting new pictures soon.
5) Last but not least check out my fancy new signature. It should appear at the bottom of each one of my posts.( If I installed it correctly)
That is all that is going on with us. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Have a great weekend! We did get the floats, and you didnt miss much! Ha Ha!! Can't wait to see all the new pictures!