Webster defines teething as "The eruption through the gums of baby teeth."
I believe the better- more accurate definition is "The intense painful eruption through the gums of baby teeth that causes both the baby and mother to go insane."
My poor little monkey has been miserable all week. She got her two front bottom teeth on March 9th. Then there was no sign of any other teeth for the longest time. She was so fussy this weekend and not feeling well at all. Then on Sunday she started having what I will call "issues that involved many diaper and clothing changes" (If you are a mom, you know what I am talking about and I do not need to give details. If you are not a mom, just wait.... you will one know what I mean)
These "issues" got worse Sunday night and Matt took her to the doctor. We were expecting some virus or infection but nope------- teeth 6 to be exact! My poor baby is getting 6 teeth at one time. According to her doctor it is very rare and was the cause of the cranky baby and diaper issues.
The good news is one of them came in yesterday. The funny thing is that is was her little side incisor. So, the poor thing still does not have her two front teeth. I am trying to get a picture but have not had any luck.I will be glad when they all get here and she is my happy pain free baby.
Poor Reece! Give her a big hug from Blake! Those top 2 teeth are the worst, then the molars (because they look so huge).